Why do they call it Third World?


The termThird World was originally used during the Cold War to describe countries that were not aligned with either the West or the Soviet Union. These countries were mostly in Asia and Africa. Over time, the term has come to describe countries with lower incomes and fewer resources.

There are a few different theories about where the termThird World came from. One theory is that it was coined by French demographer Alfred Sauvy. In an 1952 article, Sauvy described the world as being divided into three: the First World, the Second World, and the Third World. The First World included the capitalist, industrialized countries of the West; the Second World was the communist Soviet Union and its allies; and the Third World were the poorer, non-industrialized countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Other theories about the origins of the termThird World suggest it was coined by American economist John Kenneth Galbraith or by Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Whatever its origins, the termThird World is now widely used to describe countries with low incomes and few resources. These countries often have high levels of poverty and poor health outcomes. They also tend to be politically unstable, with high rates of crime and violence. The termThird World is sometimes used interchangeably withdeveloping countries. However,Third World is not an official economic designation, and some countries that are consideredThird World may have higher incomes than somedeveloped countries. Despite its negative connotations, the termThird World is still used by some people to describe the global South as a whole. This is because, despite the challenges faced by these countries, they often have rich cultures and histories. In addition, many Third World countries are making progress in terms of economic development and improving health outcomes.
